Human-Computer Interactions

IUT Orsay

I teach an introduction course on Human-Computer Interaction for the students in the first year of the BUT program, and I also teach an intermediate version of the course for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Mobile and Web development.

During this course, students learn about Human-Centred Design, Event-Driven Programming and specific Design Patterns. The course relies on theories and current research from Psychology and HCI. It emphasizes how to design and produce applications focusing on the User needs and capacities.

an illustration of Human-Centred Design

Web Security

IUT Orsay

One of the specialization students can take at IUT Orsay is a Bachelor Degree in Computer Security. While not being my main area of expertise, I give a course on Web Security for the students enrolled in this program. During this course, students are reminded fundamental principles of computer security, mainly privileges and user input control, and are introduced to widely famous website exploits.

an illustration of Web Security

Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences

Centrale Supelec

With my colleagues from the CPU team, we proposed an optional course for the students of Centrale Supelec focusing on how Social Sciences can help the design of Artificial Intelligence systems. In this course, our use case is the development of a conversational agent. Students learn how to leverage concepts coming from human psychology and human-human interactions to make it interacts with the user in a more natural way.

an illustration of a conversational agent

Gestural and Mobile Interaction

Télécom Paris

At Telecom Paris, I give a class on Gestural Interactions for students who can be enrolled in either the Interaction Graphic Design track of the Télécom Paris's Engineer Degree, or the International Human-Machine Interaction Master Degree from Université Paris-Saclay. We experiment with motion tracking, emotion detection and gesture recognition while protyping innovative interactions

an illustration of navigating Netflix with a gesture

Introduction to Game Design

Université Paris-Saclay

This course is part of the optional courses which can be taken by students coming from any school of Université Paris-Saclay. It is listed as one of the cultural and artistic activities of the University. As such, this course has the objectives of giving the students fundamentals on design methods (brainstorming, iterative approaches, prototyping) but also on some of the requirements for video game making (character design, level design, balancing...).

a gif coming from Kings and Pigs asset on

Introduction to Unity3D Programming

ICAN Video Game School

At the ICAN Video Game School of Paris, I give an introductory course of Unity3D programming for the first year students of the Game Design Bachelor program. During this course, the students learn the Unity3D vocabulary and concepts such as scenes, game objects, components, prefabs. They also learn how to implement basic prototypes by writing their first scripts in C# allowing them to control characters, ennemies and collisions.

a gif showing a basic character moving around